Sunday, September 20, 2009

croissants and ravens

Once when I was watching Oprah, it was only once, she was reviewing a book. It had a very interesting title,

‘French Women Don’t Get Fat’[i]


The very stylish (can they be otherwise?) French author on the show made the basic claim that French women do not get fat. And if you’ve been to France and especially to Paris you would agree, mostly. The reasons she pointed out in her book was, one that French women walk everywhere and usually in high heels (this is true, traffic in Paris is a nightmare). The second reason however is the big secret; French women stop to eat.

Yes you heard correctly, they stop to eat. When it is time for lunch they literally stop to eat. They sit down at a cafe or at their desk, switch off their phones etc and eat their lunch and this usually with a glass of wine which any experienced dieter will tell is definitely not done.

They take small bites.

They actually taste the food.

They tend to eat smaller portions of good food instead of buckets of cheap food. The food is more satisfying and ‘filling’ since they don’t just inhale but actually chew and taste. Hence, they don’t get fat.

When last did you stop to eat? For most of us food is a by the by kind of thing. You know, the-cheap-burger-on-the-lap-while-talking-on-the-phone-in-the-car-on-the-way-to-the-next-meeting-dodging-the-beggars-and-cell-phone-charger-sales-men kind of lunch or the dinner-on-your-lap-in-front-of-the-tube-checking-one-last-email kind of thing. Food for us, in the words of Reme’s dad in the movie Ratatouille, is fuel.

God created a world filled with beauty and wonder and we rocket past like maniacs skidding sideways into our graves, one hand still trying to send a last tweet. Scripture however in its upside down kingdom of God way hints at another type of life,

A taste and see that the Lord is good life.[ii]

Let me introduce you to spiritual practice known as pausing. It’s simple really, it means just that. To pause.

Look at the ravens.[iii]

How many times did Jesus use words like, ‘Look at...’ or ‘do you see the...’? Ironically we must be the most unaware generation in the history of mankind, if something is not on a screen it’s not even on our radar. But if we want to get closer to God, we need to become more aware, we need to open our eyes, to stop and let the Spirit catch up with us. Give him a chance to teach us, to show us the wonder in a mouthful, the beauty in a sip.

So from now on try to stop and taste and see and hear and feel. For instance wherever you are right now just sit quietly, just pause and actually become aware of where your body is in time and space and then take a look around you...

What do you see?

Now close your eyes.

What do you hear?

What do you smell?

And next time when you have lunch. Turn off your phone, stop tweeting about your lunch and actually taste it (even if it is just a cheap burger).

And see that the Lord is good.

[i] French Women Don't Get Fat, Mireille Guiliano, 2007

[ii] Ps 34:8

[iii] Luk 12:24

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